Irene Howard

A born celebrity, whose star was always destined to shine.

Irene Howard
Full NameIrene Mary Steiner

Is Irene Howard a nepo baby?

Yes! Irene Howard comes from the illustrious Howard family. They have five celebrities in their family. With ninety-seven credited apperances in TV, film, and video.

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Family Tree

The illustrious House of Steiner, a dynasty of eminent actors and directors, boasts a lineage stretching back to the dawn of the 20th century. The progenitor of the family was Ferdinand “Frank” Steiner, a Hungarian Jewish immigrant, and his English wife Lilian Blumberg, of German and English descent. Their eldest son Leslie Howard Steiner quickly rose to fame as a stage and screen actor, and also served in the army during WWI. His brother, Arthur John Steiner, followed in his footsteps, being an actor and director in his own right, married to the actress Jean Compton Mackenzie. Their uncle, Wilfred Noy, was an accomplished director and actor with many notable works. The youngest of the Steiners was Michael Howard, who appeared in a number of films, including A Sister to Assist 'Er and Golden Rendezvous. A legacy of talent, the House of Steiner has made an indelible mark on the entertainment industry.

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