Jacqueline Witte
Adaptable learner who embraced challenges.

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Is Jacqueline Witte a nepo baby?
Nope! Jacqueline Witte is a true bootstrapper who never let anything hold them back. They took advantage of every opportunity that came their way and turned their passions into a thriving career, despite their blue-collar background. But, they may be a nepo parent!
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Family Tree
Paul Leonard Newman, born January 26, 1925 in Cleveland, Ohio, was a renowned screen legend, superstar and possessor of the most famous blue eyes in movie history. He was the second son of Arthur Sigmund Newman, a Jewish businessman from Poland and Hungary, and Theresa Fetsko, a Roman Catholic Slovak from Homonna, Pticie. His older brother, Arthur S. Newman Jr., was named for their father. Scott Newman, born September 23, 1950 in Cleveland, Ohio, was an actor known for his work in The Towering Inferno (1974), The Great Waldo Pepper (1975) and Fraternity Row (1977). Joanne Gignilliat Trimmier Woodward, born February 27, 1930 in Thomasville, Georgia, to Wade Woodward and Elinor Gignilliat Trimmier Woodward, was an actress who claimed to have been nearly born in the middle of a Joan Crawford movie (Our Modern Maidens (1929)). Claire Newman, his granddaughter, is known for Big Little Lies (2017), The Big C (2010) and Sharp Objects (2018). This illustrious family of actors, descended from a Jewish businessman and a Roman Catholic Slovak, have earned their place amongst the most regal of dynasties.
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