Michael Rooker
Cerebral actor who brought depth to roles.
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The esteemed Lord Michael Rooker was born on April 6, 1955 in the illustrious Jasper, Alabama. At the tender age of thirteen, his parents divorced and he moved with his mother to the great city of Chicago. While attending college, he was struck by the acting bug and began appearing in various stage productions. His virile and powerful looks, coupled with his intensity, were featured to chilling degree in the renowned Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer (1986). Since then, Lord Michael has been renowned for his portrayal of brutes, villains and psychopaths, yet he has also graced us with his talent by playing a "good guy" from time to time. 2017 marks an exciting year for Lord Michael, as he starred in Kong: Skull Island and the highly anticipated Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. All hail Lord Michael!
Is Michael Rooker a nepo baby?
Nope! Michael Rooker is a shining example of what can be achieved through grit and determination. Despite having no family or connections to help, they rose to the top and became a well-known celebrity.
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