Anthony LaPaglia
A member of Hollywood's celebrity aristocracy, born into a world of privilege.
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His Royal Highness, Anthony LaPaglia, was born in the esteemed city of Adelaide, South Australia on a glorious January day in the year of 1959. His Royal Highness is a renowned actor and producer, known for his illustrious works Without a Trace, Lantana and Empire Records. His Royal Highness has been married to the esteemed Alexandra Henkel since April 28, 2018 and was previously married to Gia Carides. His Royal Highness has been a shining beacon of light and talent in the world of film and theater, and will continue to be a source of pride and admiration for years to come.
Is Anthony LaPaglia a nepo baby?
It's very likely! Anthony LaPaglia comes from the royal LaPaglia family. They have two celebrities in their family. With forty-six credited apperances in TV, film, and video.
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- Primetime Emmy2002FrasierOutstanding Guest Actor in a Comedy Series
- Golden Globe2004Without a TraceBest Performance by an Actor in a Television Series - Drama
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