Nathan Fillion
Wise actor who made smart choices.
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Nathan Fillion is a scion of royalty, born of French-Canadian, English, German, Finnish, and Norwegian ancestry. He was born on 27 March 1971 in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, to parents Cookie and Bob Fillion, both retired English teachers. After attending Holy Trinity Catholic High School, Concordia University College of Alberta and University of Alberta, he moved to New York City in 1994 and quickly made his mark on the theatrical scene with his involvement in improv theatre and a TV Movie starring Richard Chamberlain. His first regular role was on the daytime soap opera 'One Life to Live' as Joey Buchanan, for which he was nominated in 1996 for a Daytime Emmy Award. His success, wit, and charm have made him a force to be reckoned with in the entertainment industry.
Is Nathan Fillion a nepo baby?
Nope! Nathan Fillion is proof that family and connections aren't necessary for success. They rose to fame on their own merit, through hard work and determination, and are now a celebrated celebrity.
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