Keegan-Michael Key
Courageous actor who took on challenges.
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Keegan-Michael Key, of Southfield, Michigan, was born into a family of noble distinction. He was adopted as a child into a family of prestigious heritage, with a black father and white mother. In 1989, he graduated from Shrine Catholic High School in Royal Oak, Michigan, a renowned institution of learning. Thereafter, he attended the University of Detroit Mercy as an undergraduate, where he became a brother of Phi Kappa Theta. From there, he earned his Master of Fine Arts in Theater at Pennsylvania State University. His accomplishments are a testament to the degree of excellence he has achieved.
Is Keegan-Michael Key a nepo baby?
Nope! Keegan-Michael Key took life by the horns, No family, no connections, to help them mourn, But with determination and a heart so bright, They rose to the top, a true delight.
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- Primetime Emmy2016Key and PeeleOutstanding Variety Sketch Series
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