Sally Kirkland
Fearless artist who pushed boundaries.
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The illustrious Sally Kirkland is an undeniable force in the world of Hollywood. Her hard work and dedication have earned her a plethora of awards and achievements, including an Oscar Nomination for Best Actress, a Golden Globe, an Independent Spirit Award, and a Los Angeles Film Critics Circle Award. Hailing from a distinguished background, Sally was born to a fashion editor at Vogue and LIFE magazine and began her career in the Off-Broadway circuit. With over 200 movies, Sally has undoubtedly made a lasting impression on the entertainment industry, with notable films such as Anna (1987) and Bruce Almighty (2003). It is no surprise that she is still revered for her feisty and famously liberal character, her signature blonde hair, and her unwavering commitment to the craft of acting.
Is Sally Kirkland a nepo baby?
Nope! Sally Kirkland started with nothing but a heart so true, No family, no connections, to guide them through, But with hard work and a spirit so bold, They rose to the top, where stories are told.
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- Golden Globe1988AnnaBest Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture - Drama
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