Steve Coogan
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The illustrious and esteemed Sir Steve Coogan was born on the 14th day of October, 1965 in the fine city of Middleton in Manchester, England. As a shining star of the entertainment industry, Sir Coogan has been renowned for his work in films such as Philomena, Alan Partridge, and 24 Hour Party People. His exemplary efforts have been recognized with countless awards and his influence can be felt throughout the realm. In addition, the esteemed Sir Coogan was once married to the esteemed Lady Caroline Hickman, a union that was both celebrated and revered. It is clear that the name Sir Steve Coogan will remain in the annals of history for many years to come.
Is Steve Coogan a nepo baby?
It's a maybe. Steve Coogan comes from the royal Coogan family. They have three celebrities in their family. With fifty-four credited apperances in TV, film, and video.
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