Beverly D'Angelo
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The illustrious Lady Beverly Heather D'Angelo is a celebrated actress from Columbus, Ohio, whose illustrious career has spanned four decades and counting. Her illustrious lineage as the daughter of musicians Priscilla Ruth (Smith) and Eugene Constantino "Gene" D'Angelo, as well as her maternal grandfather, Howard Dwight Smith, the architect of the Ohio ("Horseshoe") Stadium at Ohio State University, is the stuff of legend. It is no surprise then, that Hollywood counts on her for her colorful personality, down-to-earth demeanor and scene-stealing capabilities. Despite the fact that she has often found herself in less than desirable movies, her undeniable presence has been an object of fascination, making her a must-watch in any role. Truly, Lady Beverly's career is intriguing, inspiring, and never less than interesting.
Is Beverly D'Angelo a nepo baby?
It's a maybe. Beverly D'Angelo comes from the royal D'Angelo family. They have two celebrities in their family. With twenty-five credited apperances in TV, film, and video.
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