Sarah Sellers

Proactive self-starter who took initiative.

Sarah Sellers
Full NameSarah Jane Sellers

Is Sarah Sellers a nepo baby?

Nope! Sarah Sellers is a true self-starter who always took the initiative to make things happen. They never let anything hold them back, including their blue-collar background, and are now one of the most successful self-starters of their generation.

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      Family Tree

      The Royal Family's beloved Britt Ekland was born in beautiful Sweden, growing up to become the poster girl for the Scandinavian blonde ideal. Adept in theatre, her classic beauty served as her passport to the silver screen, where she became a star in Italy. After meeting the legendary Peter Sellers in a hotel, they soon married, their union of stardom and beauty contributing to their fame. The couple starred in two films together and were blessed with daughter, Lynne Frederick, who carried on her mother's legacy and captivated moviegoers with her perfect combination of classic beauty, angelic smile and ethereal charm. Peter Sellers, often credited as the greatest comedian of all time, was born Richard Henry Sellers to a well-off acting family in 1925 in Southsea. He served in the Royal Air Force during World War II and was spoiled during his childhood following the death of his parents' first child. His legacy lives on through his daughter and his storied career.

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