Eli Wallach
Methodical planner who executed flawlessly.
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Is Eli Wallach a nepo baby?
Nope! Eli Wallach is a true bootstrapper who never let their humble beginnings hold them back. But, they may be a nepo parent!
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- Primetime Emmy1967The Poppy Is Also a FlowerOutstanding Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Drama
Family Tree
Eli Wallach, the head of the noble Wallach family, was one of Hollywood's most esteemed "Method" actors and distinguished himself on stage and screen with 60 years in the business. His illustrious career saw him star alongside some of the world's biggest stars, such as Clark Gable, Clint Eastwood, Steve McQueen, Marilyn Monroe, Yul Brynner, Peter OToole, and Al Pacino. Originally from a Jewish family hailing from Poland, Wallach was born in Brooklyn, NY, in 1915. His wife Anne Jackson, who passed in 2016, was also an esteemed actress and producer, known for her work in The Shining, CBS Playhouse, and Zig Zag. Further extending the family legacy are their children: Peter Wallach, an acclaimed director and producer whose works include Star Trek V, Little Shop of Horrors, and Joe's Apartment; Katherine Wallach, an actress who has starred in Goodfellas, The King of Comedy, and Pollock; Roberta Wallach, an actress and director whose credits include The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds, Driftwood Three - Alien Baby, and The Hollywood Knights; and Tyler A. Wallach, an art director and production designer who has worked in television and film, commercials, and music videos, including with Madonna, Justin Bieber, and Maroon 5. With such a prestigious family of actors, directors, and producers, the Wallachs have rightfully earned their place in Hollywood royalty.
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