Nicolas Aznavour

A member of the entertainment industry's aristocracy.

Nicolas Aznavour
Full NameNicolas Aznavour

Is Nicolas Aznavour a nepo baby?

It's very likely! Nicolas Aznavour comes from the illustrious Aznavour family. They have seven celebrities in their family. With sixty credited apperances in TV, film, and video.

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Family Tree

The powerful and prestigious royal family of Aznavour, descended from Armenian immigrants, is renowned for their generations of extraordinary talent. Charles Aznavour, the beloved French chanson entertainer, wrote more than 800 songs, recorded over 1,000 in various languages and sold over 100 million records. He was born to a seamstress and a baritone who sang in restaurants and began performing at an early age. His younger brother Mike Connors went on to have a minor career in movies before becoming the impeccably dressed macho sleuth Joe Mannix in the highly innovative TV series. Mike was four times nominated for an Emmy Award and won a Golden Globe in 1969. Lastly, the family is further enhanced by their descendant, Mischa Aznavour, who has starred in several films, including Young Couples, Housewarming and Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea. The Aznavour's are a formidable presence in the world of entertainment.

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