Ossian Skarsgård

A highborn member of Hollywood's privileged elite.

Ossian Skarsgård
Full NameOssian Skarsgård

Is Ossian Skarsgård a nepo baby?

It's very likely! Ossian Skarsgård comes from the illustrious Skarsgård family. They have eleven celebrities in their family. With one hundred fourteen credited apperances in TV, film, and video.

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  • The Wife
  • Burn All My Letters

Family Tree

From the royal house of Skarsgård arises a family of esteemed actors whose accomplishments have spanned the silver screen and the stage. Bill Istvan Gunther Skarsgard, the eldest son of Stellan Skarsgård, is best known for his portrayal of Pennywise the Dancing Clown in the supernatural horror films It (2017) and It Chapter Two (2019). He also voiced the Deviant Kro in the Marvel Cinematic Universe film Eternals (2021). His father, Stellan Skarsgård, is a renowned actor who has worked with the Royal Dramatic Theatre in Stockholm where he showed his prowess in productions such as "Ett drömspel" (1986) and "Mäster Olof" (1988). He also starred in The Simple-Minded Murderer (1982) by Hans Alfredson and with Fred Ward in American Playhouse: Noon Wine (1985). Alexander Johan Hjalmar Skarsgård, another of Stellan's sons, is a celebrated actor in his own right, having starred in films such as Vikings (2013), Westworld (2016) and The Way Back (2010). The youngest of the Skarsgårds, Valter, is an actor known for Lords of Chaos (2018) and Arn (2010). Together, these royal heirs of the Skarsgårds have brought honor and distinction to their family name.

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