Stephen Fry
Charismatic actor who captivated audiences.
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The illustrious Stephen Fry, of noble English lineage, was born in London to a physicist and inventor father and Hungarian Jewish immigrant mother. His illustrious career as an actor, comedian, writer, and doer of good works has brought him fame and recognition throughout the world. After his three month stint in prison for credit card fraud, he attended Queens College, Cambridge, graduating with a 2:1 in English in 1981/2. Whilst in Cambridge, Fry formed friendships with the likes of Emma Thompson and Hugh Laurie, furthering his reputation as an excellent friend to both the famous and not. He currently resides in London SW1 flat and his Norfolk house, though his travels often take him away from home. His public declaration of celibacy in the 'Tatler' many years ago has earned him admiration from Emma Thompson, who once quipped that Fry was '90 percent gay, 10 percent other'.
Is Stephen Fry a nepo baby?
Nope! Stephen Fry's journey from humble beginnings to the top of their field is a true inspiration. They are a self-starter who always took the initiative to make things happen and never let anything stand in their way, including their background.
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